
Pride Pins

Created by Pride Pins

hard enamel pins featuring your favorite animal and LGBT Pride flag - YOU DESERVE TO BE PROUD!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Good news! They're all here!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 02:35:25 AM

According to the tracking numbers, it looks like all 70,000 pins are here! We are absolutely BURIED in boxes so that's a good sign ;)

Here is everything that needs to happen from this point forward:

  • Possession of the shipping location - We are waiting to get the key from the landlord. They finished up a repair to the space last week, so we should be able to get the key tomorrow.
  • Purchase Insurance - The landlord wants an insurance policy on the shipping place for our occupation, so we've been playing phone tag with our insurance broker trying to set something up. Hopefully this gets resolved today or tomorrow.
  • Set Up Space - All the "furniture" (heh) has been ordered already and is pending delivery for the moment we have confirmed possession of the space. Setup should take a couple of days, as there are a lot of storage units we have to set up.
  • Sort and Organize Pride Pins - Whew, this is going to be the tricky part! We're going to be organizing all 1,000+ pins into their appropriate labeled and numbered shelf bins so they are ready to be packed. This involves moving all the boxes, opening them, inventorying the contents, checking for quality, and organizing them into the storage shelf bins. This will take a few days too.
  • Set up Freebies - There are a LOT of freebies associated with this campaign that need to be organized and prepared as well. We'll probably have a table that has a small quantity of each print, freebie pin, stickers, lanyard, etc. for fulfillment employees to grab items from. This will probably happen while the previous point is happening.
  • Print Order Sheets - There are about 6,000 order sheets that need to be printed! We'll probably print a batch every day.
  • Train Employees - This should hopefully be pretty simple, but the helpers need to know the difference between all the freebies, how to pick the pins, etc :) This shouldn't take more than a day.
  • Begin Fulfillment - As stated before, we're expecting based on order volume that it's going to take about a month to fulfill all the products. We're going to be going up from the lowest tiers (so smaller orders will be shipping out first) and likely packaging out orders with custom pins (including the species sponsors) first.

This is a good time to remind everyone that Fursona Pins is run by a very small team of people so a campaign this large is having some growing pains getting everything set up. Organization is going to make or break whether this fulfillment process is successful, so the main focus has been on ensuring that is the main priority and planning out how to make 1,000+ different products easy for the fulfillment employees to pick from.

We've been thinking about running an all day long livestream at the fulfillment center while the shipping process is in progress, perhaps on Twitch! Is that anything you folks would be interested in? We're not too familiar with Twitch, but it sounds like it might be entertaining for everyone.

In the meantime, we've been having so much fun making wristbands. If you fancy a pride wristband, these double sided beauties based off the Pride Pins characters might be your thing!

 Check it out~

The shipping timeline is still Jan/Feb
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 01:38:45 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping Timeline Update - Jan/Feb?
over 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 05, 2019 at 01:48:24 AM


So a quick update: we got a message from the manufacturers regarding the timeline they’d sent us for the pins. We got two choices: either we could get the pins by Dec 10 (as planned) with lower quality flag printing, or wait another month to continue with high quality flag printing (as originally expected). Of course, we could never allow the quality of your products to be compromised so we went with the second option.

We also have a little bit of data that should help set some expectations. Our Black Friday sale was extremely popular, and we’ve discovered we can pack and ship about 200-250 orders a day (depending on complexity). With there being about 5,000 of you, it’s likely going to take us close to a month to finish shipping all the Pride Pins. We plan on bringing in extra help and setting up an assembly line, but it is important to ensure the orders are packed accurately and carefully so everyone can be happy... :)

We were really hoping to have this project wrapped up by the end of the year, but it seems that’s just not in the cards without compromising the quality of the product. We want to put quality first, and we’re sure you agree too! We’ve gotten about 18 species in so far out of 55, and the manufacturers have been carefully producing them - and that’s how we want it to continue. The satisfaction of our customers is the utmost importance.

Remember you can still follow our Twitter ( for unboxing videos as the pins come in! The house is slowly but surely filling up with pins. It really is quite amazing to see...

Anyway! We’ll continue to keep all you lovely folks updated as information changes (if it does). Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

Fursona Pins

Infinite Pins in a Pinpocalypse
over 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 12:39:27 AM

Hiya, folks!

Another quick update to remind everyone that Pride Pins is expected to start shipment in mid-December.

We expect production to be done December 10, which means we will start shipping around December 15th.

The house is starting to get absolutely full of pins, and there's always more arriving every day.

The employees are working very hard, too!

We've been abundantly impressed by the quality and detail of our new Pride Pins too. Take a look at how complex this screen printed pin is (the Unity flag with ten screenprinted colors) -- and how beautiful it came out!

It's pretty amazing how nice these pins are turning out. We hope you love them too!

Our Black Friday sale just launched at our store, too, if you're interested in picking up some pins for the holidays! Click the picture below to take a peek.

And, as always, take a peek at our Pin Club's December package by clicking the below. Gotta sign up by Dec 1 to get it!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Fursona Pins

Shipping Timeline Update - December
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 03:26:52 AM

The shipping timeline has been updated!

We've gotten some solid feedback from our manufacturers now that they've been chipping away at all of Pride Pins, and they've updated the shipping timeline to December. We're looking at the full production being completed around December 10th. This is not too surprising, as we have over one thousand pin designs being made, totaling to over 70,000 units, and that is a lot -- and we want the best quality!  It'll take 3-5 days for the boxes to get here, then we can begin fulfillment of the customer orders!

It's looking more and more like this is going to be a lovely holiday delivery :)

Also, don't forget that we regularly stream Unboxing Videos on Twitter whenever Pride Pins merchandise comes in! So far, we've streamed the Bear, African Wild Dog, Cat, Coyote, and Axolotl.

Some Order Sheets

See these? We have been looking through OVER A THOUSAND of these... OMG!
It's like a never ending pile of order sheets
Do they ever stop?
No they do not. Because there are over a thousand of them.


The next month is probably going to be spent building the fulfillment area to give these thousands of pin designs a coherent home for when shipping time starts. We are thinking of building a shed to put them in, with some customized shelving... hm. Well, there's still some time for planning!


Did you know we've been developing plushies based off our Pride Pals characters? The first three have been finalized--take a look at one of them below! The rest you can see on our Instagram.

November Pins

Finally, as always, we want to show you our November Pin Club! This month's pins features some really adorable scarecrows and some other awesome characters. You have to join the Pin Club before November 1st to get these, so get on that soon!

Click to join the Pin Club!

We are hoping to stream part of the fulfillment so that we can enjoy the process, have some fun, and be together with everyone, so look forward to that! It should be pretty entertaining, a bunch of furries packing pins... :)

Until next time!